Category Archives: Reference sites

R. Cobb: A matter of class consciousness

R. Cobb [previously], the most brilliant underground editorial cartoonist of the 1960’s and 70’s, drew this one 49 years ago for the late, great Los Angeles Free Press, proving some attitudes never seem to change:

And 50 years ago, he drew this one, especially relevant now in light of this story:

The war on WikiLeaks heats up

Perhaps the most important single website for the press and public who want to expose the inner workings of the institutions which govern our lives through increasingly intrusive means is WikiLeaks.

An Internet site which publishes classified documents from the world’s intelligence agencies and the inner sanctums of the corporateers, WikiLeaks has been under increasing attack—which they have demonstrated by posting such documents as a 32-page U.S. intelligence study [pdf warning] on just that.

Thanks to WikliLeaks, Iceland’s citizens were able to see a secret report from one of the banks whose reckless practices brought down that nation’s economy.

Julian Assange, the site’s creator, has detailed apparent esponage efforts by the U.S. and other nations in his latest post, an editorial available here. Assange writes:

Over the last few years, WikiLeaks has been the subject of hostile acts by security organizations. In the developing world, these range from the appalling assassination of two related human rights lawyers in Nairobi last March (an armed attack on my compound there in 2007 is still unattributed) to an unsuccessful mass attack by Chinese computers on our servers in Stockholm, after we published photos of murders in Tibet. In

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Useful tools for digging dirt

As a journalist, esnl‘s obsessed with information, and two wiki-based websites, one of them new, offer an extraordinary and growing about of information about the rich and powerful, their institutions, and their relations with others in the monied classes.

Reporters and inverstigators love link-analysis charts, diagrams showing the connections between targets of their investigations and others who might be worthy of a look-see.  Named for “muckety-mucks,” this website lets the reader do name searches, with the results displayed in chart form. Very useful.

The new entry in the field, LitteSis doesn’t offer the eye-catching link analysis, but it does reveal the connections, adding for good measure the political contributions of the folks in question. As more and me users contribute additional data, the site’s certain to become indispensible for anyone looking to explre the patterns of power and deep politics. [Yet another extravagant esnl HT to moussequetaire.]