Trump buddy Bolsonaro still won’t say Biden won

Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro. are bosom buddies, both would-be autocrats of a racist bent.

And even though Joe Biden was the winner in this month’s election, Bolsonaro’s still hanging tough for his pal.

From MercoPress:

Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro said on Sunday he will wait “a little bit longer” to recognize a winner in the U.S. presidential election, suggesting there was evidence of fraud in the process.

After voting in local elections in Rio de Janeiro, Bolsonaro, an ally of U.S. President Donald Trump, said he had heard the U.S. vote was rigged, but presented no evidence.

“I have sources and they said there was a lot of fraud,” Bolsonaro said of the U.S. presidential election on Nov. 3. “Whether it was enough to change the result, I don’t know.”

Bolsonaro also questioned the legitimacy of Brazil’s electoral process, decrying its electronic voting system and calling for a return to paper voting.

So why’s he raising questions about voting in his own country?

We suspect this story from the Guardian may explain some of his motivation:

Rio de Janeiro is rejoicing after voters inflicted a humiliating electoral defeat on a widely loathed neo-Pentecostal bishop considered by some to be the worst mayor in the city’s history.

Marcelo Crivella, a gospel-singing preacher who has branded homosexuality a “terrible evil” and had shunned Rio’s annual carnival, lost in every one of the city’s 49 constituencies in Sunday’s run-off vote.

Observers called the result a triumph for diversity and a blow to Brazil’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, who had backed Crivella’s campaign.

“Rio is free of the worst government in its history – of its most negligent, most unprepared, most prejudiced government,” the victor, Eduardo Paes, proclaimed after his landslide win.

“I want to tell all cariocas [Rio citizens] that today – whatever your faith, orientation or skin colour – you are free,” added Paes, a samba-loving centre-right politician who was mayor from 2009 until 2016.

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