Paul Krugman tackles ADL’s mosque hypocrisy

Three cheers for New York Times economics columnist and Nobel Laureate for taking on the Anti Defamation League’s latest hypocrisy. esnl‘s been concerned for some time that the ADL, which one challenged racism in all forms, has emerged as just another arm of the Ziocon movement.

What prompted Krugman’s announcement was this announcement from the ADL opposing construction of a mosque near the site of the World Trade Center:

We regard freedom of religion as a cornerstone of the American democracy, and that freedom must include the right of all Americans – Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and other faiths – to build community centers and houses of worship.

We categorically reject appeals to bigotry on the basis of religion, and condemn those whose opposition to this proposed Islamic Center is a manifestation of such bigotry.

The controversy which has emerged regarding the building of an Islamic Center at this location is counterproductive to the healing process. Therefore, under these unique circumstances, we believe the City of New York would be better served if an alternative location could be found.

Here’s what Krugman had to say in response:

Translation: some people will feel bad if this thing is built, and we need to take these feelings into account, even though proponents “have every right to build at this site.”

So let’s try some comparable cases, OK? It causes some people pain to see Jews operating small businesses in non-Jewish neighborhoods; it causes some people pain to see Jews writing for national publications (as I learn from my mailbox most weeks); it causes some people pain to see Jews on the Supreme Court. So would ADL agree that we should ban Jews from these activities, so as to spare these people pain? No? What’s the difference?

One thing I thought Jews were supposed to understand is that they need to be advocates of universal rights, not just rights for their particular group — because it’s the right thing to do, but also because, ahem, there aren’t enough of us. We can’t afford to live in a tribal world.

But ADL has apparently forgotten all that. Shameful — and stupid.

The only thing esnl can add is a hearty “Well done, sir!”

One response to “Paul Krugman tackles ADL’s mosque hypocrisy

  1. Go,Krugmasn,Go! Well said, sir!

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