The Republicans really, really do want it all. . .

At least House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was honest about it. The Republicans really do want to kill Social Security and Medicare and turn it all over to the Wall Street and corporate hwealthcare.

Here’s what Cantor told NPR’s Morning Edition:

I mean, just from the very notion that it said that 50 percent of beneficiaries under the Social Security program use those moneys as their sole source of income. So we’ve got to protect today’s seniors. But for the rest of us? For – you know, listen. We’re going to have to come to grips with the fact that these programs cannot exist if we want America to be what we want America to be.

H/T to AMERICAblog.

But we’d like to hear more about just what he does “want America to be.” If he really told the truth, maybe some folks would wake up.

4 responses to “The Republicans really, really do want it all. . .

  1. “. . . what do you mean “we”, paleface?

  2. robert kircher

    Eric Cantor (Republican) told N.P.R that Social Security must go. Social Security is not on the budget, it is an annuity, self funded through F.I.C.A. Notice that Cantor went on National Public Radio, of which the Republicans just cut the funding, to make his point.

  3. Can this please be the nail in the Republican coffin? Wake up Americans! How many of you want to destroy Social Security? Because that’s what the corporate owned Republican Party wants to do. Are you on board with that?\


  4. It’s just ironic how many on Medicare vote republican. They are war mongering shills for corporate interests interested in nothing more than a total divide of rich and poor and the economic enslavement of the majority of the work force.

    This is clear because they already use such labors practices abroad. If they could do it here in the US they would and eventually will. I’m an engineer in the energy industry. I’m fairly insulated from this mess for the time-being. But I’m concerned for those who are not. Honestly, the republicans MUST go.

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